3.              Academic papers


·         Papers and working papers available online/free access

·          Alvarez, Luis Alonso. “Vistiendo a 3 continentes: la ventaja competitiva del grupo Inditex-Zara, 1963-1999”, Published in Revista de Historia Industrial, 2000 (18). (in Spanish)


·          Avenel, E. & S. Caprice: “Vertical integration, exclusive dealing and product line differentiation in the retailing sector


·          Baker, George; Robert Gibbons & Kevin Murthy. “Implicit contracts and the theory of the firm 


·          Bell, David; Yusong Wang & V. Padmanabhan. “The effect of partial forward integration on retailer behaviour


·          Catalani, Antonio & Giovanni Comboni. “A traditional management model in the prestige goods industry


·          Chai, Andreas. “Liquid Lifestyles and Business Cycles: The Evolutionary Economics of Fashion”. Honours Thesis, University of Queensland.


·          Cillo, Paola; Mazursky, D.; Troilo, G.; De Luca, L. “Enhancing organizational innovativeness through forward-looking marketing orientation: an empirical study in the fashion industry”.  SMS 2003 Baltimore Conference (Abstract).


·          Cillo, Paola. “Market learning capability and innovation. An empirical study in the fashion industry


·          Cooper, Rachel; Andrew Wooton, David Hands, Margaret Bruce, Lucy Daley. “Invisible innovation: modes of design facilitation in the supply chain”. Presented in EURAM 2002.


·          Dobson, Paul/Office of Fair Trading (UK). “Vertical restraints and competition policy


·          Dubois, Bernard; Gilles Laurent & Sandor Czellar. “Consumer rapport to luxury: analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes


·          Friedli, Thomas et alli. “Bringing home the industrial revolution: insights from the apparel industry


·          Friedli, Thomas et alli. Managing flexibility strategically.


·          IFM (Institut Français de la Mode) Research Report, Number 1. January 2004.


·          Gereffi, Garry & Olga Memedovi. “The Global Apparel Value Chain: what prospects of upgrading by developing countries”. Monography: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organizational) Sectoral Studies Series 2003.  


·          Gereffi, Gary;  John Humphrey & Timothy Sturgeon. The Governance of Global Value Chains.


·          Gertner R. & R. Stillman. “Vertical integration and internet strategies in the apparel industry”. From the National Bureau of Economic Research conference.


·          Gilla, Stuart et alli. “Value creation and corporate diversification: the case of Sears” Published in Journal of Financial Economics.


·          Guercini, Simone & S. Ranfagni. “The Role of Bureau de Style in the Entrepreneurial Network for Textile Product Innovation


·          Hines, Tony & Pauric McGowan “Supply Chain Strategies in the Fashion Industry: An Exploratory Study at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface”


·          Hammond, Jan & Kristin Kohler. “E-Commerce in the Textile and Apparel Industries”. Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy working paper.  


·          Kilduff, Peter. “Evolving strategies, structures and relationships in complex and turbulent business environments: the textile and apparel industries of the new millennium”. Published in the Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management.


·          Marion, Gilles. « Les spécificités du management de l’objet de luxe ».

·          Miwa, Yoshiro & J. Mark Ramseyer. “Apparel distribution: inter-firm contracting and intra-firm organization”. Published in the book “Distribution in Japan”. 

·          Owen, Geoffrey. “Globalisation in textiles: corporate strategy and competitive advantage

·          Palpacuer, Florence. “Development of core-periphery forms of organization: Some lessons from the New York garment industry

·          Perulli, Paolo. “More global and more local – network enterprises and the Benetton case revisited 

·          Rabelotti, Roberta. “How globalization affects Italian industrial districts: the case of Brenta”. Published in the book “Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: issues of governance and upgrading.”

·          Rovetta, Barbara. “Growth thru acquisitions: the case of the fashion industry

·          Saviolo, Stefania. “Brand and identity management in fashion companies


·          Sen, Alper. The US apparel industry: A supply chain review. 



·          Seringhaus, F. H. Rolf. “Luxury brands and the Internet”. 18th IMP Conference.

·          Siggelkow, Nicolaj. “Change in presence of fit: the rise, the fall and the renascence of Liz Claiborne”. Published in the Academy of management Journal, 2001.

·          Szyliowicz, Dara & Teresa Nelson. “Understanding International Entrepreneurship: Looking at the Resource Rich Fashion Industry”. (Abstract)

·          Vigneron, Franck & Lester W. Johnson. “A Review and a Conceptual Framework of Prestige-Seeking Consumer Behavior”. Published in The Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1999. 

·          Warnier, Vanessa & Xavier Lecoqc. « Le mode comme processus de coordination dans un secteur : Le cas du Prêt-à-Porter ». Presented in the XXII Conference de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique.


·          Wathne, Kenneth & Jan B. Heide. Relationship Governance in a Supply Chain Network.


·          Whitford, Josh. “Can productive cooperation survive the emergence of market power in the Italian industrial districts?  

·          Woodruff, Christopher. “Non-contractible investments and vertical integration in the Mexican footwear industry

·          Papers and working papers not available online or with restricted access



·          Ainamo, Antti & Djelic, Marie-Laure (1999):"The Co-Evolution of New Organization Forms in the Fashion Industry: A Historical and Comparative Study of France, Italy, and the United States". Organization Science, Sept-Oct.1999. Access via JSTOR.


·          Arpan, J.; Torre, J.; Toyne; B. (1981) “International developments in the U.S. Apparel Industry” Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 12 (3), pp. 49-64. Access via JSTOR.


·          Bair, J.; Gereffi, G. (2001) “Local Clusters in Global Chains: The Causes and Consequences of Export Dynamism in Torreon's Blue Jeans Industry” World Development, 29 (11), pp:1885-1903. Access via Elsevier.


·          Gereffi, G., Jun 1999 “International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain” Journal of International Economics, 48, pp: 37-70. Access via Elsevier.


·          Godley, Andrew. “The Development of the International Clothing Industry: Technology and Fashion”. Available (paper only) at the The Centre for International Business History (Reading University), Series B Vol. 10 (1997/98).


·          Iyer, A; Bergen, M. (1997) “Quick Response in Manufacturer-Retailer Channels” Management Science, Vol. 43 (4), pp. 559-570. Access via JSTOR.


·          Lebas, Michel & F. Israel-Russo, G. de Gouyon. “Stratégies de luxe", Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC, n° 358/1990. Available (paper only) by direct request to Prof. Lebas.


·          Loo, B. (2002) “The Textile and Clothing Industries Under the Fifth Kondratieff Wave: Some Insights from the Case of Hong Kong”, World Development, 30 (5), pp:847-872. Access via Elsevier.


·          Lord, R.; McIntyre, J. (2003) “Leverage, imports, profitability, exchange rates, and capital investment: a panel data study of the textile and apparel industry 1974-1987”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 12, pp: 287-310. Access via Elsevier.


·           Economia e Management”, Italian papers (in Italian, paper only)



    • Specialized peer-reviewed journals



·          Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management


·          Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management